Thursday, 21 August 2014

Blogging About Blogging

Hello Dear Readers,

So since we last typed your illustrious author has been racking her brain and stressing herself out about blogging. What is my blog? What is trying to say? Who am I trying to be? In the end the answer was simple.

I'm not saying or being anything.

The more I struggled trying to find a theme for my next post the more I realised I was being that pretentious moron I swore I wasn't going to be this time around. I was worried about how my blog was going to perceived by my peers and the image of me I wanted to put out into the world. These are the things this blog is meant to be entirely free from (that and gluten).

Who would have thought that a stress free blog would be so stressful?

So, friends, peers, countrymen, strangers & stalkers, here is my pointless post promising you further more pointless posts!

Lets all try and take ourselves a little less seriously for what is one blog on the internet other than a speck in the ether of blah blah blah.


Thursday, 14 August 2014

A Little Intro.

Well hi.

I used to fancy myself a bit of a writer which means I've had my fair share of blogs in the past (mostly pretentious drivel).
I'm getting on in my years now (not even thirty, what a nonce) and I really fancy picking up a (metaphorical) pen and just writing whatever the heck I feel like.
I'll try and be pretension free but it doesn't come easily to someone as adorned with natural talent as I, its ok, you have my permission to swoon.
So anyway, this is a blog, about whatever, for no one in particular.

Write soon!