Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Turmoil and Inspiration

Hello Dear Readers,

I set out with the intention to write about relationships and how your perspective on them changes, due to some recent letters however I would be more interested in talking about writing.

Not this kind of writing, the folly of blogging and hoping to achieve some measure of intellectualism through spouting nonsense but the deep writing, the kind of writing that normally (for me anyway) is birthed through turmoil.

I haven't written a short story in 3 years, a poem in 2, for me that seems crazy. I've always branded myself as a writer with the intention of one day making that true, it seems I'm falling short of my goal.

So why do we (the collective guild of turmoil writers) need to feed off of that inner darkness, why is that we cant just write a happy piece? Wouldn't that be just as justifiable?

So I'm trying to push myself. This blog will be free of the pretentious drivel that that push will create but I think its important to note the intention.

The next question then would be where will I draw my inspiration? When there is no conflict warring within me what in hell do I write about? This situation, of being blissfully happy, niggles at my inner tortured writer, 'Why are you doing this? Go destroy your life, give me something woman!'

It seems this post comes to no real conclusion or decision, perhaps it is time to let go of the dark little writer inside me, perhaps its time to write about something new.

Any ideas of inspiration, dear readers, is welcome.


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